Portrait of Emma Bishton
Portrait of Emma Bishton

Emma Bishton has been selected as Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for South Suffolk

Emma has lived in the constituency since 1999 with her family and is now working mostly as a musician and music teacher. Emma had a previous career in the NHS for 23 years. Through her public sector work she has seen at first-hand the effects of 14 years of Tory government on our NHS and education services and brings this knowledge and experience to her campaigning.

Previously a school governor, Emma has campaigned locally and nationally on education issues including childcare, the impact of school transport changes on local communities and the need for access to the arts. Emma says having a broad curriculum for all children to flourish in our schools is vital.

She is known locally as an energetic and supportive campaigner and along with education and health, Emma’s other main campaign interest is climate change.

Speaking after her selection, Emma Bishton said:

“I’m delighted to be chosen to stand for Labour in South Suffolk, the constituency I have lived in for 25 years. It Is a beautiful place to live but the challenges faced across our local communities after 14 years of a disastrous Tory government are clear for everyone to see.

“Whether living in the most rural parts of the constituency, or in our market towns of Sudbury and Hadleigh, or on the outskirts of Ipswich – people of all ages across South Suffolk have witnessed a decline in local services. On the doorsteps I hear about difficulties accessing GP appointments, reductions in local bus services and a lack of properly affordable housing in both towns and villages.

“Only a Labour government can deliver the change that South Suffolk needs. I will give voice to the people of this constituency and I am delighted to advocate for a Labour government to restore hope and opportunity in this community.”

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